video game

A form of electronic interactive entertainment, one that has a considerable amount of history, and one that has gained an incredible amount of world-wide recognition over the years. However, despite their technilogical evolution, world-wide recognition, and staggering age-spanning consumer rates, video games are still subjected to a variety of stereotypes. These stereotypes are maintained by those who still harness the mindset that "all" video games are stupid, childish, time-wasting, mentally unbeneficial, or anyone who plays video games is somehow incapable of having a life. On the contrary, video games in many ways can be more mentally beneficial than any other form of entertainment. Specific video games can provide god-like creative abilities, have educational values, reduce stress levels, improve hand-eye coordination, stimulate intellectual properties, even make exercise enjoyable thanks to evolved control schemes "Wii Fit". Delving into the immersive qualities of video games, video games can have very unique relationships with story-telling due to their interactivity. These include altering the course of the story based on choices, playing as different characters, having multiple endings e.t.c I could go on forever. Video games do not only offer entertainment, but unmatched immersive storytelling experiences.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to video game. Some of the top words include: VIDDIE GIDDIES, gamer, heemal, vidiot, metagaming, and 25 more.